Aug 26, 2019
You’ve probably heard me mention a time or two that I’ve struggled with decisions concerning my website hosting. I am currently with Go I tried another hosting several years ago, one that got great reviews at the time.
Aug 19, 2019
Something I try to offer you is opinion unfettered by reward. Basically, I just want to say that if I provide a resource to you, it’s because I think.. at that time, that it is a good resource. I do not have an affiliate relationship with any company.
Aug 12, 2019
I have a personal story to share with you. Recently, I was installing a 3rd party SSL certificate on a website. I had done this before. But I did not take notes… or screenshots. Live and learn, right?
Aug 5, 2019
We can no longer count on being able to take a job out of high school or college and stay with the company till retirement. Actually, it’s been a while since we could count on that, but instead of embracing it, there have been protests and debates.