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Focus On You: The Full Time Stay at Home Dog Mom

Dec 30, 2019

There is plenty for all. Life is a never-ending buffet. So what if one person takes 6 plates of the Mac and cheese in one trip. There is still plenty of Mac and cheese for you. Relax. Eat your salad and breadstick.

Dec 23, 2019

Have you thought about any projects that you have put on the back burner for a long time… or it’s on the front burner and you keep stirring the pot and wondering if you should add any ingredients?

Dec 16, 2019

We are mid-December in 2019. This is about where I was last year when I decided I had wasted enough time thinking about and analyzing my podcast goal. 4 years and I still hadn’t produced anything.

Dec 9, 2019

When thinking about the podcasts I listen to, I’ve often gone back and listened to the earlier episodes. And the most useful ones were where the content was not something timely.

Dec 2, 2019

If a person does not control their own pyramid, their own hierarchy, they cannot move on. What could be worse is that I think a person cannot even recognize there is something beyond the level they are at.